Founder / CEO

Pastor Earl Fitzsimmons

“Christ said there would always be poor to serve. He didn’t say they had to be hungry.” – Founder/CEO Pastor Earl Fitzsimmons

Pastor Earl Fitzsimmons specializes in discipleship and human relationships. He helps men understand their role in the Kingdom of God. He has also dedicated his life to ministering to the Body Christ by empowering and equipping others in seemingly hopeless situations to achieve the impossible.

He accepted Christ when he was at Campus Crusade for Christ in January 1983. Earl then began work in student leadership at Western Illinois University where he discovered a passion for discipleship and God’s Word. Through CCC he attended the Institute for Biblical Studies with an emphasis in the Old Testament, participated in campus and other evangelical outreaches as well as a summer leadership project.

He had battled alcohol and drug addiction, but with God’s grace and Alcoholics Anonymous, he is victoriously sober since October 31st 2006. Earl integrates principles of the successful 12-step program into discipleship and coaching.

Two years into recovery he returned to school and graduated Summa Cum Laude. Equipped with a degree in Psychology and became a LCDCI and Earl worked in a local Dallas treatment center for almost 4 years.

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