In Memorial/Dedication

There are so many moments in life that we enjoy remembering, so many people who have a lasting effect on our lives, and so many groups that affect changes in both ourselves and the community we live in. Yet most of the time, these precious memories, people, or organizations are relegated solely to our hearts and minds. Let’s change that.

After being approached many, many times and asked how someone could donate to the cause in someone’s memory or a company wants to set up a lasting sponsorship, we have decided to set up something to do just that

How It Works

So here is how this works: Review the list (to the left) of the choices available for the type of dedication desired. Then, email Pastor Earl at

Pastor Earl will review the process and choices. If a campaign is needed to collect funds for the memorial from the community, we will have the team set up a page dedicated to the memorial fund and a special link for donations. Typically, these campaigns take less than 90 days.

Funds raised will be used to develop/remodel the Joshua Center.

Click Here for a list of our current In Memorial Campaigns.